Professional paint for high-quality work with an airbrush in the nail service.
Manufacturer: USA
The paint has a number of advantages:
- easy to use, no pungent odors, absolutely hypoallergenic,
- allows use airbrushes with different diameters of nozzles,
- the composition of the paint guarantees long-term wearing of the design with the use of a top coating,
- the possibility of mixing paints creates unique shades.
we recommend:
- shake the bottle with paint before use,< br> - diluted with proprietary thinner 4012, to improve passability through the nozzle of the tool.
- start applying from a small distance on the prepared surface.
- to avoid chipping during wearing, the paint must be applied evenly.
- final work dry with the help of a manicure lamp
- after opening the bottle, store the remains with the cap tightly closed. br>